Fort Stewart - Hunter Army Airfield

Home of 3rd Infantry Division

Frequently Asked Questions


All Taxi/Uber/Lyft drivers require a valid Fort Stewart/HAAF visitor pass even if the fare is a DOD ID cardholder.

Taxi/Uber/Lyft companies are NOT authorized access to the installation as a Trusted Traveler.

Must be vetted and issued a VCC pass.

Drivers will be turned around.

Sponsorship requirements for all passengers who are non-IDcardholders apply IAW AR190-13.

Soldiers and Family members must be aware that they will becharged their current fare and have to arrange additional transportation fromthe Gate if they are picked up by an non-vetted driver.

Persons bringing firearms onto the installation must comply with Fort Stewart regulation 190-11’s rules requiring registration of all weapons on the installation, unless exempt. Persons bringing firearms onto the installation must also comply with the regulations carry and use requirements. Fort Stewart regulation 190-11 is punitive regulation and violations of it may result in administrative action or prosecution under the UCMJ. Civilians who violate this regulation may be subject to administrative action and criminal prosecution.

All visitors 18 years old and older must have a visitor pass issued from either Hunter Army Airfield or Fort Stewart visitor center. Bring your valid state issued ID or passport to have a background check completed. Everyone 18 years old and older must come inside to receive their pass. Once you have cleared the background check, a pass will be issued.

No, not if they are riding with you.

No. Any state or city employee with a valid state/county/city issued ID can access the installation.

No. All persons, including bike riders, either need a CAC or a visitor pass to get on post.

ID Cards & DEERS

Note: everyone will need 2 forms of valid ID, one being a photo ID.

Military, civilians, and contractors:

If your CAC was lost or stolen, here’s what you need to do:

Step 1: Print out a 506-E.

Step 2. Get the 506-E signed by the correct person.

  • Military: must be signed by E6 or above
  • Civilians: must be signed by GS11 or above
  • Contractors: must be signed by supervisor

Step 3. Get your 506-E stamped by the MP’s at the MP Station.

Step 4. Make an appointment with DEERS and bring your stamped and signed 506-E and get a new CAC. Success!

Family Members/Dependents

For family members/dependents, what you need to bring to the appointment depends on whether or not your sponsor can be with you at the appointment.

If your sponsor is with you at the appointment, then you don’t need to bring any forms! Just bring two forms of valid identification and we’ll provide everything you need!

If your sponsor can’t be with you at the appointment, then you will need to do the same steps at the military, civilians, and contractors, which are: (but wait, there’s more, see below)

Step 1: Print out a 506-E.

Step 2. Get the 506-E signed by the correct person.

  • Military: must be signed by E6 or above
  • Civilians: must be signed by GS11 or above
  • Contractors: must be signed by supervisor

Step 3. Get your 506-E stamped by the MP’s at the MP Station.

Step 4. Make an appointment with DEERS and bring your stamped and signed 506-E and get a new CAC. Success!

However, see our section about “What if my sponsor can’t come to my appointment?”. If you can have your sponsor go to DEERS and complete the DD 1172-2, then you won’t need to do the 506-E!

What to bring when adding a spouse:

  • Original or certified copy of marriage certificate/license
  • Valid photo identification
  • Original social security card (or other official documentation showing the SS number such as Tax ID form or letter from SS Office with SS number)

What to bring when adding a former spouse:

  • Original or certified copy of marriage certificate/license
  • Original or certified copy of final Divorce Decree
  • DD Form 214 (Copy 4) (if available)
  • Military ID Card (DD Form 1173)
  • Valid photo identification
  • Original social security card (or other official documentation showing the SS number such as Tax ID form or letter from SS Office with SS number)

What to bring when adding a child:

  • Child’s original birth certificate
  • Child’s original social security card (or other official documentation showing the SS number such as Tax ID form or letter from SS Office with SS number)

What to bring if your child was born overseas:

  • FS 240 (Consular Report of Birth Abroad) OR DS Form 1350 (Certification of Report of Birth)
  • Child’s original social security card (or other official documentation showing the SS number such as Tax ID form or letter from SS Office with SS number)

What to bring when adding a step child:

  • Original or certified copy of marriage certificate
  • Child’s original birth certificate
  • Child’s original social security card (or other official documentation showing the SS number such as Tax ID form or letter from SS Office with SS number)

What to bring when adding an adopted child:

  • Final Adoption Decree or documentation from authorized placement agency under the Department of Human Services
  • Child’s original birth certificate
  • Child’s original social security card (or other official documentation showing the SS number such as Tax ID form or letter from SS Office with SS number)

What to bring when adding an illegitimate child:

  • Child’s original birth certificate
  • Child’s original social security card (or other official documentation showing the SS number such as Tax ID form or letter from SS Office with SS number)
  • And either a voluntary acknowledgment of paternity from the State in which the child was born OR court order establishing paternity (you don’t have to provide both)

Yes, college students can get ID cards but they have to meet some requirements. Here are those requirements:

  • Between the age of 21 and 23
  • Enrolled full time in a college for a degree (can’t be an unaccredited college or a technical certificate)
  • Sponsor must be providing 50% support

To prove that your student is enrolled as a full-time student, they’ll need to get a letter from the College Registrar. The letter has to say two things:

1. That they are enrolled full time

2. The estimated graduation date of the student

Note: Letters of acceptance are different than these fancy letters from the Registrar and can’t be excepted.

Now, let’s talk.

What if my student is enrolled part-time in two colleges? Do they combine to make full time?

No, two colleges cannot be combined to make a full time student status. We’re sorry, but it’s a regulation thing. You can read more about it in AFI 36-3026-IP.

How about on summer breaks?

Yes, no problem. Students can get ID cards during summer breaks, they just have to show that they were enrolled in the semester before and after the break.

For example, if Mary needs an ID Card in the Summer of ’69, then she must show that she was enrolled as a student in the Spring of 1969 AND is enrolled to attend school in the Fall of 1969.

Students can get ID Cards during winter break as well! Just show enrollment for the Fall semester before and Spring semester after and you’re good to go!

What to bring to get your student an ID Card:

  • Two forms of valid photo identification
  • Letter from the school registrar (with full-time status confirmation and graduation date)

View this MEMO for more information.

Enrolling a parent in DEERS takes a couple of extra steps even before you come to our office. Here’s what to do:

Pro tip: these links work best on Internet Explorer.

Step 1: Get your parent approved in DFAS.

  • First, read the information on this page.
  • Then, put your packet together. Your packet will vary depending on whether your parent is an in-law, biological, in loco, etc. Here are all the packets and links to the forms you need.
  • Finally, when you’re packet is ready to go, submit it to DFAS here. (Click on the gray arrow that corresponds with the packet you’re submitting)

Step 2: Now we wait. You will receive a memorandum in the mail from DFAS saying whether or not your application to enroll your parent was approved or not. We wish we could tell you how long this takes, but it really can’t be estimated.

Step 3: Once your parent has been approved, make an appointment at the Soldier Service Center, the main DEERS office. Here’s a list of everything you’ll need to bring:

  • 2 valid forms of parent’s identification (at least 1 needs to be a photo ID)
  • parent’s birth certificate
  • parent’s social security card (if the parent is a US citizen)
  • This is important: we need to link the parent to the sponsor, so we’ll the birth certificate of the person who is the family connection. For example, if my husband (Joffrey) wants to enroll his mom (Cersei), we’ll need Joffrey’s birth certification showing Cersei as his birth mother.
  • Last, and this is the most important, don’t forget the parent. He or she does actually have to be at the appointment.

If you need some help during this process, you can always call the DEERS office. It also might help to call the

DFAC Customer Care Office:


8am to 5pm ET

Monday through Friday

To cancel your appointment, simply call us at the DEERS office and we’ll take care of it.

Stewart: (912) 767-4909

Hunter: (912) 315-5726

Since we don’t want to keep our other customers waiting, you’ll have to reschedule your appointment if you are more than 10 minutes late.

Click HERE to see a list of acceptable documents.

No problem! We have two options available for your convenience. Option 1: Have your sponsor come into our office up to 90 days before your appointment and fill out a DD 1172-2. Option 2: Have a valid Special Power of Attorney from your sponsor for DEERS/ID card privileges. For more information about how you can obtain a POA you can visit Legal Assistance Page. Either of these options will allow you to complete your DEERS transactions or have an ID card issued without your sponsor being present!

In order for a foreign document to used by DEERS, the document must be authenticated through a US Embassy with an Apostille or Certified Legislation signed by a US Consular.

Also, all documents must be translated to English.

Vocabulary lesson!

Apostille: The Apostille is a specialized certificate that is attached to your foreign document that shows it’s legitimate.

Legalisation: Legalisation makes your foreign document suitable for use in the US. the US Consular from the Embassy from the country of Issuance has this power. For example, if your birth certificate is from a country not in the Apostille Convention, such as Jamaica, you’ll need to get your document Legalisied.

What to bring

  • At least one identity source document such as a Social Security Card or valid Driver’s License reflecting the name change
  • If you are changing your name because of a divorce, you should bring your official divorce decree in at the same time to save trips!


Yes,but you must register the card inside the Visitor Center before it can be usedto access post.

No, but you can get a Survivor AIE card inside the Visitor Center that will be good for three years.

Provide a by name list of ALL guests, caters, etc. to the Visitor Control Center 2 weeks in advance. All visitors on the list will require proper identification or a DoD escort.

The Guards conduct random car inspections – we never search.


Must be 18 and older & have a sponsor/COR

Yes. There is no need to stop at the Visitor Control Center if you have a dependent ID. Simply show your ID when driving through the gate.

You have to go to the Visitor Control center to get a visitor pass if you don’t have your military ID – or you can ask someone to bring it to you.

No. If you have your Military ID, they can ride with you onto post but they MUST have their own government-issued ID. All Non-Affiliated personnel must have PictureID (i.e. Driver’s License, Passport, etc.) Because of required 100% ID Check

Yes! You can apply for a visitors pass up to 30 days in advance. Call the Visitor Control Center for details.

Yes, but you will need to get a pass through the Visitor Center. Children cannot sponsor people to come on post.
